Pet Medical Conditions

Emergency Services
Poisoning Treatments & DecontaminationTrauma (auto accident)Puncture Wound (Dog Bite)Eye Infection or WoundSeizuresPain ManagementHospitalization / Supportive CareICU (Intensive Care Unit)Cesarean section (C-Section) Scheduled or Emergency
Safety: Biggest Threats
Vicious animal attacksVehicles (too many don't want to share the road)Poisonous and junk foods; medications (could be pills dropped on floor)Contagious diseases, heartwormLack of attention, love and affection. Lack of play time. Too much confinement. Veterinarian staff abuse, misdiagnosis or over prescription.Heat or freezing in unattended vehicle; not enough water
Choking on collar and leash (use a harness instead)Other injury from play, etc.Attack by pit bull, etc. (carry pepper spray)
Dander, hair, dirt everywhereYou can't have any conversation with any petYou will likely have to confront their end of life
Wellness Care and Immunization: $$$$$, Time, Energy
Routine ExaminationsVaccinations
Heartworm Testing and MedicationDe-wormingFlea and Tick MedicationPrescription & Non-Prescription FoodNutritional CounselingLaboratory Service (Blood, Urine, Fecal and Pathology)PharmacyDigital X-RaysUltrasoundCAT Scan (Computerized Tomography)MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging)
Surgery and Hospitalization
Spay and NeuteringDental care Teeth CleaningDental Care Tooth Extraction / Oral SurgeryEye Wash and Eye SurgeryCherry Eye or Third EyelidEuthanasiaOrthopedic Surgery (trauma, limb alignment, joint injury, ACL)Reconstructive Joint SurgeryAmputationReconstructive Soft-Tissue SurgeryPerformance & Competitions InjuryAbdominal SurgeryCesarean Section (C-Section)Artificial InseminationOncology Cancer Detection and Treatment



First few weeks after death I witnesses supernatural things, particularly sky formations, the moon, etc. looking different.