Why a new symbol?
Most people realize that global warming is happening and that humans are contributing to it by the CO2 emissions from burning fossil fuels and from deforestation. People are also increasingly aware that world fisheries are being depleted, that fresh water supplies are shrinking and that every day there are more mouths to feed and less land to grow food.
While population is growing (from 3 b to7 b in 50 years) the planet’s life support systems (e.g. forests, ocean fish, topsoil, biodiversity and water) are actually shrinking. All together humanity is facing one overarching challenge, ensuring a livable world for our children and future generations.
Living in harmony with nature: Once a value choice, is now a necessity
Eco Symbol Design Inspirations, Meanings & Facets
The Eco Symbol represents
(the source of all life's energy),
(covers 70% of the Earth's surface),
(30% of the Earth's surface)
Old School 1958 to Present
*The peace symbol represents a depressed man with his arms down in defeat calling for nuclear disarmament. The creator tried to get the public to turn it upside down as like Dan's eco symbol to be more cheerful, but it was too late because it had already become viral.